Asset Highlights

  1. Location | In the Richardson school district in north Dallas, Texas, ranked as one of the top school districts in the state.

  2. Recent Upgrades | Previous owner replaced roofs and repainted the property and enhance the clubhouse.

  3. Rent Growth Potential | Neighboring property is achieving about $200/unit/month in additional rent on renovated units.

Strategy Highlights

  1. Across the street from the Hillcrest Village Redevelopment, a major redevelopment of a shopping mall. Learn More >

  2. 5 year business plan to renovate, increase NOI, stabilize and sell

  3. Budgeting ~$5,000/unit in renovations

  4. Updates will be made to business center, fitness room, car ports will be added

  5. New on-site hands-on management team will improve efficiencies and lower expenses